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Sunday, May 4, 2008

PCB suspends ban on Shoaib for a month

KARACHI: Beleaguered speedster Shoaib Akhtar heaved a huge sigh of relief as the appellate tribunal of the Pakistan Cricket Board on Sunday decided to suspend the five-year ban on him for a month to allow him to play in the Indian Premier League (IPL).
Watch: PCB suspends ban on Shoaib for one month
Although the tribunal was still in meeting in Lahore, sources aware of the proceedings confirmed that the tribunal had accepted Shoaib's application to suspend the ban for one month and allow him to play in the IPL which ends on June 1.
The IPL authorities had refused to allow the fast bowler to play in the league despite the tribunal's decision earlier this week to allow him play outside Pakistan while retaining the ban on him.
Shoaib on Saturday made a fresh application, praying to the tribunal to allow him play in the IPL and earn his livelihood. He said the tribunal should suspend the ban temporarily as it would take time to come to a final decision in the case, by which the IPL would be over.

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